Sunday, February 22, 2009

Portfolio Review

Portfolio Review:

1) Is the # of Positions reasonable to maintain?
Total holdings include 15 positions.  I believe under 20 positions to be a manageable number.

2) Are the top 5 holding diversified across industries?
Top 5 holdings (excluding cash) are: 1) FCX - Commodity, 2) SBUX - Retail/Restaurant,  3) COP - Energy, 4) PG - Consumer Staple, 5) USB - Financial.  Diversification is good.

3) Is there sufficient cash to make necessary purchases?
Yes.  Cash holdings of 19.2% is a large position and is reasonable under current market conditions.

4) Will the top 5 holdings generate income?
1) FCX - NO (dividend suspended) , 2) SBUX - NO  3) COP - YES, 4) PG - YES , 5) USB - YES.
3/5 currently generating income, however top 2 holdings currently do not.

5) Is there anything I no longer want to own in the portfolio?
BAC - currently the smallest position.  This equity has a real potential to approach zero value.  However currently, I believe potential upside makes it worth holding as a minor position.  May look to sell for a tax loss in future.

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